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Hellenic Community of Luxembourg, A.s.b.l., Non-profit association,
Head office: L-2356 Luxembourg, 3 rue de Pulvermühl.

Art. 1st.

A non-profit association is established under the name COMMUNAUTE HELLENIQUE DE LUXEMBOURG, A.s.b.l.

Art. 2. Seat

The headquarters of the community is established in Luxembourg. The address is fixed by decision of the board of directors. The current address is: 3, rue de Pulvermühl, L-2356 Luxembourg.

Art. 3. Logo

The community logo is the Greek trireme surrounded by the name of the COMMUNAUTE HELLENIQUE DE LUXEMBOURG association.

Art. 4. Purpose

The goals of the community are the promotion of the interests of its members in the Hellenic Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg through approaches to any authority, natural or legal person, and through its participation in Greek organizations in the diaspora.
More specifically, the Community aims:

to promote the interests and rights of its members, as an integral part of Hellenism, as well as to maintain and strengthen ties with Greece;
to maintain, cultivate and promote Hellenic cultural identity, particularly through the dissemination and learning of the Greek language;
to maintain and intensify cultural, educational and mutual aid relations between its members, in collaboration with other associations or communities in Greece, Luxembourg or in other countries.

Art. 5. Members

The Community has full and honorary members;
All Greeks and adult members of their families who reside, work or maintain a link with Luxembourg, as well as any other resident of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, may become members, provided that they undertake to act in favor of the statutes of the community. Full members must register in the register of members of the Hellenic Community of Luxembourg;
All members and all Greeks in Luxembourg are regularly informed of the activities of the Hellenic Community and can participate in them.
May become honorary members, by decision of the board of directors confirmed by the general assembly, persons who do not meet the conditions to become full members and have offered or are offering services, material or moral, for the achievement of the goals of the Community. Honorary members may participate in the general assembly and speak without the right to vote and are not eligible.
The register of members is kept in compliance with the principles relating to the protection of personal data.

Art. 6. Rights and obligations of full members

Any full member has the right to participate in general assemblies, debates and votes, has the right to elect and be elected and to participate in all activities of the Community.
Full members contribute freely to the Community fund.

Art. 7. Loss of membership

Membership is lost by:

the death;
removal in accordance with Article 13;
if the person no longer meets the conditions of article 5.2 or declares in writing that he or she wishes to be removed from the membership of the Hellenic Community of Luxembourg.

Art. 8. Resources

Community resources are:

the contributions of members provided for in article 6,
donations, legacies and subsidies from natural or legal persons after acceptance by decision of the board of directors,
revenue from community publications and events,
any other legal resource.

Art. 9. Administration

The community bodies are:

the general assembly (A.G.);
the board of directors (C.A.);
the committee of auditors (C.V.).

Art. 10. The general assembly

THE G. is the supreme organ of the community. THE G. ordinary is convened once a year as well as to approve the balance sheet and elect the organs of the community. THE G. extraordinary is convened after a decision of the Board of Directors or at the request of one tenth of the full members. The request must indicate the subjects to be discussed, the names of the applicants and be signed by them. In such a case, the Board of Directors must convene the extraordinary meeting within 30 days following the submission of the request.
The summons of the A.G. is published at least 15 days in advance, by any appropriate means (letter, notice in public places frequented by members, e-mail, etc.). The notice of meeting must indicate the place, day, time and agenda and be signed by the president and the secretary of the board of directors of the community.
The quorum of the A.G. is achieved when half plus one of the full members are present or represented. However, the assembly can validly debate if one tenth of the full members are present, or represented, if the question of quorum is not raised. Proxy representations cannot be more than 3 per full member present.
If the quorum is not reached, the A.G. is reconvened on an appropriate date within the next 2 weeks, at the latest, with the same agenda. Quorum is considered to be reached regardless of the number of members present.
The decisions of the A.G. are taken by an absolute majority of the members present, except for exceptions provided for by the statute and for which a qualified majority is required.
THE G. elects its bureau composed of 3 members to direct its debates. Members of the board of directors and the committee of auditors cannot be members of the office of the A.G. The minutes of the A.G. meeting. is drawn up and signed by the presidency of the General Assembly.
Any proposal signed by 5% of the full members is included in the draft agenda. The General Assembly adopts the final agenda.
After the review session preceding the elections and until the new Board of Directors takes office, the Presidency of the General Assembly temporarily assumes the functions of Board of Directors of the Community, with the assistance of the Board of Directors. ‘Outgoing administration.
Art. 11. Skills of the A.G.

Determination of the objectives, activities and priorities of the Community.
approval or rejection of the balance sheet of the board of directors and the outgoing committee of auditors;
approval or rejection of the budget;
election and dismissal of members of community bodies;
modification of status according to article 26;
Election/replacement of the representative to the World Council of Hellenes Abroad. The representative is elected for a duration corresponding to that of the mandate of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (election taking place after each world congress of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad, for a mandate lasting until the end of the congress next world). The function of representative is revoked following the procedure set out in Article 12, paragraphs 1 and 2.
removal of members;
dissolution of the community.
Art. 12. Motion of censure

During the. G. a motion of censure may be filed against the board of directors or against one of its members by 10% of the effective members.
The general assembly can validly debate the motion if at least 20% of the full members are present or represented. The motion is granted if it is voted for by two-thirds of those present.
If the motion of censure is accepted by the A.G., elections are organized within the following 40 days by the electoral office, which is elected for this purpose by the A.G.
In the latter case, the A.G.’s office. provisionally exercises the functions of the board of directors of the community. Nominations for the board of directors and the committee of auditors are submitted to the electoral office within 10 days. If the motion of censure is directed against a member of the board of directors, he or she is replaced by an alternate member.

Art. 13. Write-off

A proposal for deregistration against a member of the community for serious violation of the statutes may be submitted by 10% of the effective members.
The board of directors draws up a report and invites the member concerned in writing to participate in the A.G. to express oneself.
THE G. can only validly debate the delisting proposal if at least 20% of the full members are present at the A.G. The proposal for delisting is accepted if it is voted for by two thirds of those present.
The removed member has the right to request that the reasons for his removal as well as his re-registration in the community be examined again by a new A.G.

Art. 14. Board of Directors (C.A.)

The community is led by a Board of Directors of 7 members who are elected for 2 years by secret vote, according to articles 23 et seq.
The Board of Directors is constituted as follows:
club and community equipment attendant
information manager
responsible for organizing activities
Election to the various positions is made by secret ballot, if a quorum is reached.
The Board of Directors operates according to internal regulations, which must provide for at least the following sectors and activities: Education, Culture, Information and Public Relations.
The number of members of the Board of Directors may be modified by decision of the General Assembly taken by a 2/3 majority of those present.
Art. 15.

The elected Board of Directors meets to form a group within 7 days after the elections at the invitation of the president of the electoral office.

Art. 16.

The Board of Directors meets regularly once a month and when deemed necessary by the president or if 1/3 of its members request it, in writing. The request is addressed to the president and the secretary and must indicate the agenda. In the event that a meeting of the Board of Directors is impossible, the office may adopt decisions following a written procedure (e.g. e-mail, fax). These documents constitute an integral part of the minutes. Decisions taken in this way are confirmed at the first following regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
The quorum of the Board of Directors is reached if 2/3 of its members are present. Decisions are made by majority. In the event of a tie, the decision is postponed to the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Any member of the Board of Directors who resigns is replaced by the first alternate member. The member of the Board of Directors who is absent for 3 consecutive meetings without prior justification loses membership and is replaced by the first substitute. In the same way, for a maximum period of 6 months, the member of the Board of Directors who, according to his own declaration, is unable to carry out his duties is replaced.
In the absence of alternate members, the position remains vacant and the Board of Directors meets validly, provided that a quorum of 2/3 of its members is respected. When the number of remaining members does not meet the quorum, an extraordinary General Assembly (to review before elections) is convened within 15 days. Vacant positions may be filled, for the remainder of the term of office of the Board of Directors, by election of the General Assembly.
Board meetings are public.
Art. 17.

The Board acts and makes decisions according to the status for each subject that interests the community.
He manages the community’s property and authorizes expenses according to the budget voted by the A.G. For expenses exceeding more than 20% of the budget or which are outside the budget, a two-thirds majority of the turnover is required.
The Board of Directors draws up, under the responsibility of the president, the secretary and the treasurer, the annual budget and financial statement, and submits them to the A.G. for approval.
He is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the A.G. and he is collectively responsible for each act or failure towards the A.G.
For the achievement of the community’s goals and its better functioning, the Board of Directors may appoint representatives to the organizations of which it is a part and constitute working groups composed of members of the community operating under its responsibility. The people in charge of the different sectors coordinate the related activities and are responsible to the Board of Directors.
In addition to the powers of article 17, the Board of Directors may also delegate signature for certain defined acts to one of its members or a member of the community.
The C.A. organizes elections no later than 40 days before the end of its mandate.
Art. 18. Duties of the President

The president represents the community before all authorities and in his relations with third parties, natural or legal persons.
For matters of major importance, the president must have the prior agreement of the Board of Directors.
He establishes the agenda with the secretary and convenes the meetings of the Board of Directors and the A.G. according to the provisions of the statute.
He chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors and reports to the General Meetings on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Art. 19. Functions of the vice-president

In the event of the absence of the president or if he is unable to exercise his functions, he is replaced by the vice-president.
The vice-president also assumes areas of responsibility and competence, in accordance with the internal regulations of the Board of Directors.

Art. 20. Duties of the secretary

The secretary ensures the regular functioning of the community offices, establishes with the president the agenda of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the A.G., establishes and co-signs the minutes and documents of the meetings of the Board of Directors, and is in charge of community mail nautity.
He establishes the register of members, he keeps the seal of the community and keeps the archives.
In the event of absence or inability to perform his duties, he is replaced by another member of the Board of Directors.
Art. 21. Functions of the treasurer

The treasurer is responsible for the finances of the community, he keeps the account book, he collects contributions and other collections and makes payments on behalf of the community according to the decisions of the A.G. and the Board of Directors up to a maximum amount set by the Board of Directors. For higher amounts, the signature of another authorized member is necessary.
He establishes the annual budget and financial report in collaboration with the president and the secretary and submits them for approval to the C.A.
He has the obligation to pay into the community’s account to a bank chosen by the Board of Directors any sum he collects on behalf of the community.
In the event of absence or inability to perform his duties, he is replaced by another member of the Board of Directors.
Art. 22. Committee of Auditors (C.V.)

The committee of auditors is made up of three members. The president and members are elected directly by the General Assembly for a mandate equal to that of the Board of Directors.
Its mission is to control and monitor the financial management of the Board of Directors, which is obliged to provide any information requested during periodic or extraordinary annual controls. The committee of auditors draws up a report on the financial balance sheet and submits it for approval prior to any ordinary or balance sheet General Meeting. In the event of disagreement among its members, the disagreeing member draws up a separate report and the General Assembly decides.
If, following an extraordinary audit, management anomalies are noted, the committee of auditors draws up a report which it first submits to the Board of Directors. If the question is not resolved within the framework of the Board of Directors, an extraordinary General Assembly is convened.
The reports of the committee of auditors are published.
Art. 23. Elections

Every 2 years, elections are organized to elect the community bodies. The C.A. and the C.V. are elected for 2 years.
Only full members, within the meaning of Article 5, have the right to vote and the right to be elected.
Application forms are addressed to the secretary until the day of the General Meeting before the elections and are communicated to the latter.
Art. 24. The electoral office (B.E.)

Responsibility for organizing elections lies with the electoral office which is elected by the A.G. Candidates for the C.A. cannot be members of the B.E.
The electoral office is made up of at least three members. The number of members is fixed by decision of the General Assembly.

Art. 25. Electoral system

Elections are held by direct vote and secret ballot. The ballots are placed in the box provided for this purpose. Voting by postal or electronic means or a combination of these may also be provided for. In the event of a direct vote in the ballot box, members can also vote by proxy (one proxy per member). THE G. chooses the most appropriate means for the elections and provides for the procedure relating thereto. When elections are held by mail, the electoral office applies the procedure set out in the appendix.
A single list is formed including all the candidates. Any formations are included in a frame which contains the distinctive title of each (the formations are not authorized to use the names or emblems of political parties). In the list, the candidates and training courses appear in alphabetical order.
Voters give their preference by means of crosses to a maximum of 5 candidates, among all the candidates (independently of the parties). The number of crosses may be modified by decision of the General Assembly.
The first majority candidates occupying the number of seats available to the CA are considered elected. The following candidates are considered alternate members.
Art. 26. Status changes

THE G. can only validly deliberate on changes to the status if this is specifically indicated on its agenda and if the A.G. brings together at least two thirds of the full members. No modification to the statutes may be adopted if it is not approved by at least two-thirds of the votes of the members present and represented. If two thirds of the members are not present or represented at the first A.M., a second meeting is convened which can validly decide, regardless of the number of members present or represented. In this case too, the modifications to the statute must be approved by a majority of at least three-fifths of valid votes and will be subject to approval by the civil court.
For the modification of the aims of the statute, a two-thirds majority of effective members of the community is required in all cases.

Art. 27. Duration

The duration of the community is unlimited.
The dissolution of the community is pronounced by decision of two thirds of the effective members. In the event of dissolution, the members of the community also decide on the allocation of its property to the same majority. The decision is submitted to the civil court for approval.

Art. 28.

Anything not provided for by this statute is governed by Luxembourg legislation on non-profit organizations.

Transitional provision

The current board of directors is holding the next elections according to the new modified statute. This provision ceases to be applicable from the election of the new Board of Directors.

Annex to the statute relating to elections by correspondence

The electoral office:

receives from the board of directors the list of candidates/formations and the list of voters.
He prints the ballot papers, the envelopes for the ballot papers, the envelopes for sending the ballot papers and sends them to all full members with communication relating to the voting procedures within five days following the holding of the meeting. general assembly.
He uses the community post office box or rents a post office box to mail ballots from voters. The deadline for voters to send ballot papers is two weeks after the expiry of the deadline set in point b) above.
One week after the expiration of the deadline set in point c) above, the combined electoral office removes the envelopes with the ballots from the post office box, proceeds to count the envelopes and count the ballots in a public session, at a location communicated at least fifteen days before the counting of the ballots.
It examines possible disputes and publishes the results of the elections in accordance with the provisions of article 25.

Established in Luxembourg, February 2008
M. Konstantinou / A. Dilaverakis
The president / The secretary